Friday 20 February 2015

Motivated at last!

Finally I feel like I'm getting some results ... for the first time in quite a while I appear to be losing weight! As someone who is driven by targets and results, I need to see progress, otherwise I often feel like giving in. Well, what is the point in giving up things that you enjoy if it has no impact on your weight, energy levels or wellbeing?!

Since giving up sugar (although not completely as that would be almost impossible, given that it is most things, including fruit) and gluten; I have also been more conscious of what I am consuming. Meals are meat and vegetables; snacks are fruit; coffee has been replaced by peppermint tea and I am drinking a lot more water. I am beginning to feel better although an ongoing pounding headache, I can only assume it's a withdrawal symptom from sugar and caffeine, has been rather annoying. However, I am hoping this will disappear soon.

Of course, I have been exercising too and find that a run first thing in the morning is great to kick-start my metabolism. When the mornings get brighter, I may be dragging my little girls out of bed for an early morning run (perhaps only on the weekends and holidays as I can imagine there will be a lot of complaining!)

Fingers crossed that I am able to maintain the healthy eating when I return to work next week as it is always tempting to snack on 'junk' after a busy, stressful day at work.

But having seen some progress, I am now feeling more motivated and determined to make this work. Although I know that I have a long way to go to achieve the weight loss that I want and increase my energy levels.



  1. are you still staying away from potato? I just found out I shouldn't be eating potato and found your old post about it in an internet search. I'm feeling really sad about it, as potato is in EVERYTHING

    1. I totally cut out potatoes, crisps, chips etc for a while and felt a lot better and managed to lose some weight. However, I do enjoy baked potatoes occasionally and until recently found it hard to resist crisps.
      Last week I had a thorough intolerance test which highlighted an intolerance to gluten, as I had suspected. Which means I need to inspect food packaging very carefully, as it is in so many things.

  2. Sometimes when you have an intolerance to something and cut it out, you are able to eat it again after a while. Good luck with the potatoes!

  3. Sarah i was at a wedding yesterday, a grand affair but I managed not to eat potatoes replacing it with beef. Worked a charm! Rebecca
