Monday 25 July 2011

Am I expecting too much?

This evening I have tried several times to reply to all the lovely and much appreciated comments on my blog posts. But my I-phone is refusing to co-operate. I can post comments from other people but not my own, which I'm beginning to find rather frustrating.

Most of the time I love my I-phone and would far rather use it to browse the Internet and use facebook and Twitter. I take photos and videos with it, use it as my diary and record my shopping list on it. Even my children love watching the videos on YouTube. (There is a fantastic version of Twinkle, twinkle, which my girls love).

But it seems my favourite piece of technology has its restrictions. Recently some of my apps have been a little tempermental. Occasionally they'll work but quite often they will refuse to open. When I started running I relied on IMapMyRun to track my distance and speed and I found the voice feedback was great. But after downloading the updated version, I could no longer access it.

Maybe it's because my phone is almost two years old. Although I think a decent phone should maintain it's quality. Or maybe I just expect too much from a little piece of technology!

This is my first blog post that I've written on my I-phone so I've decided not to attempt to add any photos, maybe next time! I've no computer access for a couple of weeks. So if I don't reply to your comment, I'm not ignoring you or being rude! I really appreciate the comments and advice and love that so many people are reading my blog! :)

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Sunshine = happiness!

The park this morning
As I woke up this morning, I realised something was different ... it wasn't raining, the sun was shining and the sky was blue! After leaving my four-year to pre-school, I set off on a run. It's amazing how much better everything looks in the sunshine. When I reached the park I realised that I had forgotten something very important in my last blog post (I hate the rain!). Sunshine and warm weather makes me feel extremely happy!! 

Life is just so much better in the sun ... the children and I can play in the garden, we don't need to wear layers of clothing and bring coats when we go out, just in case it starts raining, and the washing dries!! We can relax, have a barbecue, sit outside and enjoy a glass of wine after the children have gone to bed.

Even though it's now evening and dark outside, I am still in a positive, happy mood. Long may the sunshine continue ...

Monday 18 July 2011

I hate the rain!

When is summer going to start?! Recently we have had the occasional day of beautiful weather followed by what seems like endless and constant rain. I am so fed up and bored of the rain! Not only does it cost more to entertain the children but my diet seems to deteriorate drastically during the miserable weather.

The girls and me relaxing in the garden and having fun!
During April and early May this year, I enjoyed a number of barbecues and days in the sun with friends and the children. We thought summer had started early and that it was going to get better! But just as I thought it was going to last, it got cold, wet and overcast.

Every so often I wake up to a blue sky and the sun. After leaving my elder daughter at pre-school, I walk to the park with my toddler where she loves climbing and running about. When the sun is shining, I love walking and so does Abigail. Who doesn't love that feeling of the warmth of the sun wrapping round you like a cosy blanket?

Last Friday we had a fun family barbecue, the girls played in the garden and we relaxed in the warm weather. But the following day, it was as if autumn had started. It rained, and rained, and rained ...

Entertaining the children in the sunshine is easy and cheap. It doesn't cost anything to go to the park and run about. But it costs a small fortune to bring three children to a softplay centre and you need a second mortgage to go to the cinema! It's not just the cost of the tickets, it's the overpriced but too appealing treats as well. 

I am convinced that if I lived in a hot climate, I would be very slim! When it's warm, I eat sensibly and find it relatively easy to eat healthily ... salads and fruit are in, while chocolate, scones and croissants are out. Unfortunately, I became a different person as regards my diet in the cold, wet weather. I constantly crave fattening, comforting foods. This is all very well in the winter but not in the "summer" when the weather occasionally improves and I have to wear shorts! 

So not only does this miserable weather cost more money to entertain the children but it also turns me into a comfort-food craving lunatic! Is there anything I can do to change this? Well, I can't control the weather. Emigration is an option but as we are settled where we are, it is very unlikely. And to emigrate just for a warmer climate, is a little extreme. Regarding my diet, I think I just to exercise more self-control, although easier said than done! Unfortunately I think indoor entertainment for the children will always be expensive and therefore an occasional treat.

I am still holding out hope that summer will properly arrive and remain, until at least September ... it's good to be an optimist!