Thursday 31 December 2015

New year ... new you?

Will you make any New Year's Resolutions this year? Will they be realistic and achievable? Or will you, like many others, set goals that are either unobtainable or ones that you lose interest in after January?

I wonder what the most popular resolutions are ... lose weight, cut the booze, start exercising, cut out junk food? I've done the healthy lifestyle resolutions; cutting chocolate from my diet for a month actually made a positive impact on my wellbeing in addition to aiding weight loss. Indeed, reducing any toxins, such as alcohol, chocolate or take aways, is going to improve health, given that they are slowly poisoning your body. I, however, will not be joining the masses to undertake January's 'Dryathlon'.

So why do we set New Year's Resolutions? Personally, I find that I am more likely to achieve a goal if I set it when it I actually need to achieve it.

In October I set myself a target to lose the weight that I had put on since breaking my ankle two years ago. I have achieved most of this and have come to realise that for me, weight loss is not a goal in itself. What is more important is improving my health by reducing my body fat, improving my fitness by increasing the distance I run and setting myself new fitness challenges. These are constant goals, not just created because it's the time of year to do so.

So when midnight strikes, heralding the start of a New Year, what resolutions will you set? Whatever you decide, I wish you a happy, healthy, fun and prosperous new year!


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